The world is amid a climate crisis. The science behind the climate control data can no longer be disputed. The reality is that data is not even needed to see what is taking place in the world. Natural disasters from forest fires, temperatures rising and falling , famine from dying crops; it is obvious the situation is in crisis mode. We must accelerate climate action and limit global warming to 1.5°C. To do this, we need to at least halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and become net-zero before 2050.
Transformation Technologies wants to be a part of decreasing carbon footprints. We are progressively working towards circular solutions that will create multiple benefits. Our technologies include ways to eliminate methane gasses. Our technologies recycle products critical to survival that would usually create a large carbon footprint to produce. Our experience can help our clients understand ways to reduce their own carbon footprint by offering logistical changes. We may not have all the solutions but every day our Research and Development team is focused on a global goal of creating technologies that will curb climate increase.
According to the latest IPCC report, WG 1, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis 2021: there is no doubt that the current emergency is caused by human activity.

Community and Global Improvements
Our goal is to add value to the local communities where our operations are taking place. We feel it is important to add value to the local areas through education. We want the people to know they have a voice. Countries all over the world are enacting pollution control legislation to minimize further damage to their environment. The movement has a sophisticated and growing body of regulations implemented not through the Environmental Ministries, but through peaceful movements orchestrated by groups that are concerned for the next generation.
Developing nations in Asia, such as China and Vietnam, are balancing rapid economic growth with major government programs to upgrade recycling and waste infrastructure in their largest cities. Transformation Technologies has already implemented a recycling program in Vietnam along with its partner company NSEC. In the past 25 years, the owners of Transformation Technologies have implemented similar programs in Africa, Australia, North America and the Middle East. Those programs were created at a time the world should have taken climate control seriously. They were not popular programs in the 80’s, 90’s and even in 2000. If the world would have taken climate control more serious then we would not be in a sprint for a cure now.

Despite the increased popularity of the use of the term “sustainability”, the possibility that human societies will achieve environmental sustainability has been, and continues to be, questioned. You need not look farther than the current environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, climate change, overconsumption, population growth and the worlds view of unlimited economic growth in an ever-increasing small area.
Transformation Technologies wants to lead the sustainability movement with actions not words. We have technologies that can assist in limiting environmental degradation through recycling activities. Our metals reclamation program coupled with our green oil program are proof of our commitment. Our waste to Energy technologies will help curb the methane gas production in landfills thus helping climate control. Our oil lake clean up goals can recover land that is currently unusable and create areas where crops can be planted.